Available Courses

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One of the most unique aspects of the CWC certification is the opportunity to spend two full days in the foothills of Colorado learning from the experts, trading ideas with other coaches, working face-to-face with mentor coaches and preparing for the next phase of your career. This aspect is unique to the CWC certification and one you are certain to value greatly as you move forward in your career.
[pane title=”Join us in beautiful Colorado for the next live training June 10th – 11th”]

One of the most unique aspects of the CWC certification is the opportunity to spend two full days in the foothills of Colorado learning from the experts, trading ideas with other coaches, working face-to-face with mentor coaches and preparing for the next phase of your career. This aspect is unique to the CWC certification and one you are certain to value greatly as you move forward in your career.


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For your convenience, we have a library of webinar recordings available that will allow you to progress through the course material at your own pace. Once you register for the Fast Track or Distance Learning Track you will receive a code to allow you access to the appropriate webinars with no additional fees required.

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Advanced Communications

Recorded for 24/7 access

This course is designed to help coaches increase their client’s awareness along with increasing their own awareness. The instructors do this by teaching how to better understand the unspoken, reduce defensiveness, and offer feedback in a way that will help clients more effectively and perhaps more quickly create lasting behavior change. In addition, this course …

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Advanced Motivational Interviewing and Appreciative Interviewing

Live Webinar as part of the MCWC program

This course offers additional insight into why Motivational Interviewing (MI) is an important foundation for coaches and expands on MI techniques and skills. Appreciative Inquiry is a method that can shape a coaching conversation to shine on what is possible versus simply looking at problems to solve.  The instructor describes the elements of Appreciative Inquiry, …

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Boosting Your Immunity

Recorded for 24/7 access

Whether it’s cold and flu season or the middle of a pandemic, everyone can benefit from boosting their immune systems. This webinar explains how lifestyle choices can directly affect our immune system and focuses on how exercise, sleep, stress, nutrition, and even additional supplementation can make or break how well our immunity reacts. Additionally, specific …

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Built Environment & Wellbeing

Recorded for 24/7 access

The Built Environment & Wellbeing course is designed to bring insight and awareness to Wellness Coaches about the impact interior environments have on our clients’ health and wellness. You will learn the impact that factors, such as Thermal Comfort, Lighting and Views, Acoustics, Biophilia, Color, Clutter and Organization, and Ergonomics, have on our wellness. The …

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Chronic Conditions 2: Cancer, Anxiety and Depression

Recorded for 24/7 access

This course expands on how to coach clients with Chronic Conditions by covering additional chronic illnesses (see below) that affect much of the general population. We will also discuss common coaching scenarios. Cancer: most common types, the stages, and main types of treatment Mental illnesses: Depression, Anxiety, and Bipolarism and the main types of treatments. …

Chronic Conditions 2: Cancer, Anxiety and Depression Read More »

Coaching Clients on Smoking Cessation

Recorded for 24/7 access

The health risks associated with smoking and smokeless tobacco are well documented – yet becoming smoke free is a difficult challenge. In this webinar, you will explore various layers of the smoking addiction such as emotional and psychological dependency, nicotine addiction, triggers and habitual pairings, and the hand to mouth habit. In addition, you will …

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Coaching Financial Fitness

Recorded for 24/7 access

This program will provide you with a solid baseline of tips, tools and resources that you can utilize to help your clients improve their financial conditioning.  Obviously, as wellness coaches, we must never hold ourselves out as experts in the field of finance, and this course does not change that fact.  However, financial struggles are …

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Coaching Structure 1: Agreements and Session Guidelines

Recorded for 24/7 access

This course is essential for understanding what the life of a coaching relationship looks like, as well as giving insight on how individual coaching sessions should be configured. After taking this course, coaches will have the confidence to move forward creating relationships with clients and supporting their clients to develop and execute Wellness Plans to …

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Coaching Structure 2: Using Assessments

Recorded for 24/7 access

Incorporating assessments into a coaching program is valuable to both the coach and the client for a variety of reasons. This course describes a wide range of wellbeing assessments, and the instructor provides coaching scenarios to help coaches understand how these tools can be effectively utilized with clients in session. Personality assessments are also presented …

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Coaching Through a Crisis

Recorded for 24/7 access

One of the privileges of wellness coaching is that our clients are sharing with us the reality of their lives. But sometimes life takes an unexpected turn and our clients are in the midst of a crisis situation. There are no right answers in regards to how to respond to every situation, however planning ahead …

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Coaching Tools and Techniques

Recorded for 24/7 access

This course will explore a variety of ”Coaching Tools and Techniques” that are designed to help your clients move forward in a positive and encouraging way.  We will discuss Values, Identifying Beliefs, Shifting Perspectives and using Powerful Questions, which can all be used, to discover your clients’ desires on a deep, personal level.  With a …

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Creating Positive Habits and Coaching in Challenging Scenarios

Live Webinar as part of the MCWC program

In this course, learn how to better enable your client to create and sustain positive habits with actionable, accessible tips. You will be exposed to the psychological mechanisms behind habit-making as well as focus on tangible strategies to ditch negative habits and plant desirable ones. The second section of this course will address how to …

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Emotional Eating and Coaching

Recorded for 24/7 access

Eating as a reaction to emotions is actually the root cause for the majority of all those who overeat! This course on Emotional Eating explains just how common this action is among those who overeat and why that is.  You will get a better understanding of how to identify clients who may be struggling with Emotional Eating yet …

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Exercise and Coaching

Recorded for 24/7 access

Being in the wellness industry you may feel that you have a good grasp on exercise, and yet talking about exercise in regards to coaching is a different animal.  This exercise webinar will discuss exercise and how it relates to wellness coaching by giving an overview of exercise terminology, laying out a specific approach to …

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fMT Certification – Module II – Influencer “Speed Dating”

Recorded for 24/7 access

Influencer Speed Dating: A brief overview of select philosophers, authors, researchers and others who have influenced our approach to mental toughness, resilience and related cognitive elements over the centuries. We’ll also take a brief look at the “freed” will model and what it means for our lives and approach to coaching. fMTc Influencer Speed Dating …

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fMT Certification – Module III – Understanding Resilience & Grit

Recorded for 24/7 access

Overview of Resilience and Grit, including how the concept developed over time, shifting perspectives, some of the key researchers (and research) impacting the view of resilience. You’ll also learn about some of the key internal and external resources influencing the resilience of each one of us. The overview of Grit will introduce the work of …

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fMT Certification – Module VI – Thrive (fMT)

Recorded for 24/7 access

This module turns the focus specifically to the first of the fMT trilogy: Thrive. You’ll learn the (often overlooked) role of ongoing lifestyle decisions and modifications in enhancing our fMT.

fMT Certification – Module VII – Prepare (fMT)

Recorded for 24/7 access

We now move into the 2nd leg of the fMT trilogy: Prepare. You’ll learn a range of tools and resources you/your clients can integrate in the weeks/months leading up to a target pursuit to enhance fMT.

fMT Certification – Module VIII – Activate (fMT)

Recorded for 24/7 access

This module takes a closer look at the 3rd leg of the fMT Trilogy: Activate. We’ll discuss the 3-pronged Mind/Body/Soul components and provide a range of examples for application.

fMT Certification – Module X – fMTc Coaching Toolbox

Live Webinar as part of the MCWC program

The fMT Coaching Toolbox. This module provides you with a range of supplemental fMT tools and resources, including sample coaching sessions integrating fMT strategies, special C360 podcast episodes (e.g., focusing on more details related to the aMCC of the brain and the role during challenges and discomfort). This module replaces our traditional video with 3 …

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fMT Certification – Module XI – Case Study Details

Recorded for 24/7 access

Brief description of the case study you’ll be completing. fMTc Case Study Worksheet Once you’ve completed all the modules and had the opportunity to engage in 2 or more coaching sessions integrating your new fMT knowledge/skill, you’re ready to connect with your fMTc Mentor Coach. Email results@CatalystCoachingInstitute.com to let us know you’re ready and a …

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Growth Mindset and Coaching

Live Webinar as part of the MCWC program

In this coaching-centric webinar, a Growth Mindset vs a Fixed Mindset will be explored in relation to both ourselves personally and our perceptions related to coaching. In addition, we will discuss how opening the minds of our clients to a growth mindset may help positively impact their own health and wellness pursuits. This course will …

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Healthy Eating and Coaching

Recorded for 24/7 access

How do you get started on healthy eating? Healthy eating starts with learning new ways to eat, such as adding more fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and cutting back on foods that have a lot of fat, salt, and sugar. Most people’s lives are so busy these days, they don’t think about the health …

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Help Clients Boost Their Energy

Recorded for 24/7 access

You hear folks talking about not having time to spend on their wellness, but in reality, what they are lacking is the energy. This webinar explains how to focus on energy boosts and decrease energy drains covering many topics such as improved nutrition, better stress management, sleep enhancement and increased activity. For each topic, client …

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Intuitive Eating

Recorded for 24/7 access

Intuitive Eating is known as a non-diet approach to eating and wellness, but it is so much more! Intuitive Eating can help your clients break the cycle of chronic dieting by healing their relationship with food, and with themselves. In this webinar, we will dissect the main concepts of Intuitive Eating, explore current research supporting …

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Know Your Numbers

Recorded for 24/7 access

Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, BMI, metabolic syndrome …. each year many people go through a biometric screening, collect these numbers, and forget about them.  During this course, you will gain an understanding of what each of the results means, and how to educate your clients about their importance. You will also come away with proven and …

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Mental Toughness in Coaching

Recorded for 24/7 access

Mental toughness is generally viewed through the “toughness” lens, leaving the cognitive strategies involved out of the equation. As a result, many (if not most) individuals discount the influence of this valuable resource in their own lives, thinking the concept applies to others (professional athletes, Navy Seals, etc). This webinar turns the table on that …

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Midlife Transitions

Recorded for 24/7 access

The course helps to unravel the mysteries around the dreaded “midlife crises” by providing information that coaches can use to help clients understand that going through midlife transitions is a normal process. This will include discussion on menopause, andropause, the transitions of this time of life, the sandwich generation, and aging with grace.   The instructor …

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Mindfulness and Coaching

Recorded for 24/7 access

This course dives into mindfulness and explores what it means to be mindful and how to share this with our clients. What are reasons to practice mindfulness and how is it tied to changing behavior? How can we explain mindfulness to our clients and what are some simple ideas for increasing mindfulness that we can …

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Movement Every Hour: Practical Ways to Encourage Activity

Recorded for 24/7 access

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Sitting is the new Smoking.” This course will explain the science behind this statement and specific details and facts on how sedentary jobs are negatively affecting health. You’ll be inspired yourself to move more as you learn creative ways to help your clients add activity to their daily routine.

Partnering with Adolescent and Young Adult Clients

Recorded for 24/7 access

Young-adults and adolescents are not mini adults. Their bodies and brains continue to change and won’t reach full maturity until their mid to late 20s. Cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development greatly impacts the way an individual interprets the world around them and influences self-awareness and decision making. This course was designed to help coaches …

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Positive Psychology and Coaching

Recorded for 24/7 access

Learn why the science of Positive Psychology and Wellness Coaching go hand in hand. In this webinar, you will get exposed to the origins of Positive Psychology as well as reasons why the theories and studies done within the field are important for Wellness Coaches to understand and integrate within their coaching practice. In addition, …

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Self-Compassion in Coaching

Recorded for 24/7 access

Self-compassion is a strength, a skill, and a positive way to tame our inner critic and overcome challenges. By relating to ourselves with kindness, understanding that we are all connected, and being mindful and accepting of our own suffering we have the ability to reach our potential, support ourselves in our wellness, and maintain our …

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Sleep Matters: Integrating Enhancement of Sleep into Your Coaching

Recorded for 24/7 access

Insufficient sleep has been termed a “public health epidemic” by the CDC. As Wellness Coaches, we have the opportunity every day to improve this problem through working with our clients. This course will provide you with information to understand more about the causes of poor sleep, strategies to sleep better, and the signs and effects …

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Stress Management and Coaching

Recorded for 24/7 access

This program provides participants with a “big picture” view of what it means to successfully manage stress. The presentation is chock full of valuable information, tips and clinically proven strategies that you can utilize to help both yourself and your clients cultivate a holistic stress management program that is health protective and sustainable.  Upon completion …

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The Impact of Temperament in Wellness Coaching with Brad Cooper

Recorded for 24/7 access

Effective wellness coaching outcomes require us to go beneath the surface – to get to the roots. This training will allow you to do exactly that. Not only will you learn what differentiates the 4 temperaments and how you may identify the differences in your clients. You’ll also learn practical suggestions on how to integrate …

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The Power of Self-Efficacy

Live Webinar as part of the MCWC program

When SMART Goals Go Unmet Time After Time: The Role of Self-Efficacy in Coaching There is a strong link between what we believe about our abilities and meeting our goals. This course will explore the interaction of our thoughts, feelings and actions. We will focus on practical tools you can use to assess your client’s …

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Thrive with Better Boundaries

Recorded for 24/7 access

As a coach, it can sometimes seem like every coachee struggles with setting boundaries in at least one area of their life. Pursuit of goals can get off track when we have a hard time saying NO to activities and people that drain our physical and emotional energy. A consistent inability to set personal and …

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Video 2: Introduction to Motivational Interviewing

Recorded for 24/7 access

During this webinar we will introduce the theory of Motivational Interviewing (MI). We will also learn some basic MI tools for engagement with your clients including Open Ended Questions, Affirmations, Reflections and Summaries.

Video 3: Motivational Interviewing – Focusing and Evoking

Recorded for 24/7 access

This webinar will explore the skills of focusing and evoking within the spirit of Motivational Interviewing. In particular, we will discuss how to share your expertise with your clients in a way that encourages engagement.

Weight Management and Coaching

Recorded for 24/7 access

Weight management, whether it be weight loss or weight maintenance, affects everyone at some point in their life.  During this course, you will learn a “bring it back to basics” approach to weight management. You will be provided with coaching tools that include: easy tips and suggestions for weight loss, how to coach your clients through the …

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