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Yes – I made up that word. It’s a nod to an intriguing concept initially identified by Dr. Conrad Waddington (1905-1975): Epigenetics. The word brings together “epigenesis” (the formation of a complex organism from a single unit) and “genetics” (study of inherited characteristics) to represent the influence of the genetic background on our broader development. …

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Blaming Discipline?

“I just don’t have enough discipline.” Nope. Sorry. That’s not the problem. This default statement is a bit like the popular “humblebrag” (feigning humility to highlight an accomplishment). We appear to take responsibility but – knowingly or otherwise – we instead blameshift to this mystical D force we call discipline. It is subtly, and repeatedly, …

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How did I get here? The path on which I started has become flooded with unexpecteds, eventually pulling me beneath the surface. I pop back up, desperate for air… Unable to see the shore, my hope soon fades to darkness. I’m drowning, helpless to move forward, awaiting the inevitable as I grasp for something, anything, …

Drowning? Read More »

Top 5 Coaching Programs

Best Wellness Coaching Certification Programs

Best Wellness Coaching Certification Programs Our top 5 list of the best wellness coaching certifications for 2024 In today’s ever-evolving wellness landscape, the role of health and wellness coaches has become increasingly vital. These professionals serve as guides and mentors, supporting individuals on their journey to better health, fitness, and overall well-being. With numerous coaching …

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