How to Become a Health & Wellness Coach Online

How to Become a Health and Wellness Coach online

Life today is hectic, which can make it hard to capitalize on new opportunities. Fortunately, a limited schedule doesn’t need to prevent you from receiving quality wellness coach training.

At Catalyst Coaching Institute, we understand the importance of flexibility. That’s why we offer the Distance Learning program, an online wellness coach certification training that you can complete at your own pace.

This online wellness training program caters to you in a variety of ways:

It’s Flexible & Accessible

The coursework is entirely online, and we offer one-on-one coaching sessions via telephone (which are also scheduled according to your availability). So, you’re in total control of your time and your environment. You train from the comfort of a home computer whenever you want – days, nights, weekends, between errands and soccer practice… We want you to have the freedom and accessibility to become a wellness coach on your own terms.

It’s Interactive

In addition to the online coursework, we provide personalized coaching and practice coaching via telephone. This allows you to log off your computer and engage with a wellness expert, who’s there to help you become the best coach possible. Together, the two of you explore real-life coaching scenarios, so you can practice your new skills and receive valuable, individualized feedback.

It’s Comprehensive

Simply put, our Distance Learning program covers everything you need to become a successful certified wellness coach. We equip you with the knowledge, skills, research and tools you need to help clients improve their lives.

The Distance Learning program comes complete with:

  • A 20-minute introductory webinar
  • 5 coaching skills webinars (1-2 hours each)
  • 10 interactive wellness webinars (1-2 hours each)
  • 2 interactive discussion forums (2 hours each)
  • 2 one-on-one practice coaching sessions (telephone)
  • An online final exam
  • Practical Skills Assessment with a Mentor Coach (via telephone)

Learn more about our online Distance Learning program, or contact us with any questions.

Note: There are some important changes happening to the certification process that are tied to the NBHWC National Board Exam. Learn more about the certification changes, or contact us anytime at

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