The Promising Future of Corporate Health and Wellness Coaching

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The reasons are compelling for corporations to invest in an employee health and wellness coach

It’s no secret that the cost of insurance has continued to trend upward. As businesses look for ways to reduce these costs, the popularity of employee wellness programs has also grown. It’s becoming increasingly common for corporations to engage wellness coaching in the process. Because of this, the demand for certified wellness coaches is growing.

We recently sat down with Steve Percival, a 38-year veteran of Human Resources and Benefits for a podcast episode on “Health Coaching (Wellness Coaching) within an Employer Setting” Steve is a strong proponent for wellness coaches in the workplace, having seen the positive trends that they tend to create within an organization. A few highlights he mentions during our conversation:

The human touch: There are plenty of online employee wellness programs with fancy tracking systems, but none of these programs is a replacement for the relationship and accountability that come with talking to a live person. An employee is more likely to follow through on a goal if they know their wellness coach is going to check in with them. An in-house wellness coach also allows them to grow camaraderie and have a true understanding of the inner workings of a company.

Dimensions of wellness: A good certified wellness coach is able to tailor conversations to many aspect of wellness. A company with a diverse workforce is undoubtedly going to come with a wide spectrum of needs. A wellness coach isn’t a personal trainer- they’ll be having conversations and meeting clients where they are to figure out what increased wellness looks like for each individual. It may be social health, financial health, or work-life balance; there are many ways to engage employees in a way that fits their interests and overall well-being. Steve points out that “it’s about the employee’s ability to be productive in society and be a productive member of the employee organization.”

Return on investment: A bottom line for executives will often come back to cost. In Steve’s experience, the investment in a talented certified wellness coach will lead to better habits, which lead to positive lifestyle changes, which over time reduces absenteeism and makes for happier employees  Says Steve: “It can make a real difference in people’s lives. I’m sold!”

All signs point to an increased need for health and wellness coaches in American corporations. If this is a path you’re considering, becoming board certified and taking the time to learn best practices is a great way to get started.

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