Is Virtual Training Adequate for Wellness Coach Certification?

You’re doing your research on the best route for earning your Wellness Coach Certification and you’ve found a few options.  There are a number of differentiators, but one of the most critical is whether the certification process involves a live, face-to-face component.  Virtual training can provide a nice option.  And, in fact, we utilize virtual training for a portion of our wellness coach certification training process.  But is a certification program that is exclusively virtual adequate to help you in becoming the best possible coach?

I think you know the answer.  Wellness coaching is not a math problem or a history lesson, and earning a wellness coach certification shouldn’t mimic this approach.  It involves relationships, unique personalities and situations.  While virtual training is clearly cheaper (no overhead costs for training facility, printing of materials, healthy lunches and snacks, etc for the provider and no travel expenses for attendees).  But is cheaper the main goal when it comes to earning our coach certification?  How long do you plan to be a wellness coach?  If the live training provides just a 15% enhancement to the training outcome (an most likely you’ll find it adds FAR more than 15% to the value of the process), how many days, weeks or months would it take to make the additional investment worthwhile?

Believe us – we’ve considered offering an all-virtual option for the wellness coach certification and training, as it would cost us less as the provider of the coursework and would open up the door for more attendees.  However, the focus of the CWC designation as a Certified Wellness Coach is not to offer the cheapest and easiest (to us and our attendees) option.  Rather, we want to make certain that our graduates are quality coaches who are able to enhance the lives of their clients over the long term.

We’d love to have you join us…

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