Introducing Flew the Coop! (Life as an Empty Nester)

In 2 weeks, the youngest of our 3 kids will head off to college. As everyone we know seems to enjoy reminding us, that will make Suzanna and myself #EmptyNesters. The kids even suggested the idea of the “Flew the Coop” blog title to represent this new phase.  Many of those who attend the Catalyst coaching certification are in (or approaching) a similar phase of life, so we thought this might be a nice spot to include aspects of the new journey along the way.  If they’re helpful, please drop us a note to Thanks!

First of all, Moms usually have the reputation of being the one who feel the gap when the kids leave, but us Dads struggle too! We hope to spend a significant amount of time with our kids and their families in the future. We’ve always been a close family and it’s our goal to keep things that way as the family grows. But our impact going forward will be diminished. And that leaves me wondering how we (I) did in imparting the key life lessons they’ll carry into this next phase of their lives. Most of all – do they leave being absolutely certain they’re loved? Has the connection been established to the point where they’ll feel comfortable coming back to us when they need a shoulder to cry on or an idea on which to brainstorm.

We’re here. Does it matter?

More to come…

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