Launching the New Year

The new year is an exciting time of the year.  The hope of a fresh start often brings a new energy to thoughts of making positive changes in life.  Unfortunately, this new energy often takes on the form of generic “resolutions” that last a couple weeks before fading into the January sunset…

Instead, a far better strategy is to springboard this energy into a specific strategy that will actually enhance the lives we – and our clients – live.  This process is far more involved than a simple blog post, but let’s at least start the process…

Begin with your F-5.  No, this isn’t a new pick-up truck.  Rather, it’s the framework through which you can identify the key areas and pursuits in your life:

  • Faith
  • Family/Friends
  • Fitness for Life
  • Finances
  • Field of Play (both Personal Hobbies and Professional Pursuits in Your Career)

For each of these areas, take whatever time is necessary to clarify your vision for each of these areas.  Really drill down into how your life will look in each of the above areas 12 months from now.  Get specific – really specific.

Once the vision is clarified, THEN the goal-setting can begin.  As the goals are established, take the extra step to identify what components are within your sphere of influence and those that are simply within your sphere of interest, as well as potential external forces that could impact your outcomes 12 months from now.

Once those are identified, lay out the steps to success (that fall within your sphere of influence) involved to move forward and get started!

As a wellness coach, taking these steps with our clients (as well as in our own lives) will help turn “New Year’s Resolutions” into a launchpad for an optimal year!

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